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Exercise and camping spots on the course and in the surrounding area

Kurkiperä kota, avomet kylät
Kylätalo pingis
Keskijärvi uimaranta

There are also hiking trails, nature trails and natural attractions in the nearby area.

Arctic Circle hiking trail

Lapajärvi nature trail

Salmioja gorge

Salmivaara hiking trail

Aholanvaara's hiidenkirnut

Lapajärvi cycling route

The course has many opportunities for exercise

See detailed locationsFrom the camping map of the course

- Harju fitness track and ski trail

In Korkiaharju, there is a cross-country skiing trail along the fitness track in winter and suitable for a variety of other sports in summer. In addition, in winter, a ski trail runs from Lapajärvi crossing to Lapajärvi.

- Keskijärvi beach

Swimming beach on the shore of Keskijärvi. Pier, swimming booth and barbecue hut.On the map-->

- Porolampi swimming place

A clear water pond located at the intersection of Lapajärventie and Isomaantie. About 3 km from the village.

Pier and changing room.Read more -> On the map->

- Jyrhämä outdoor recreation area

Accessible fishing spot built in 2018 on the banks of Käsmäjoki. In the area there is a fire place, a barrier-free huussi and an event canopy, a pier and a boat launch.

- Käsmäjoki canoeing route

The kayaking route starts from Tuurakoski in the course and ends at Joutsijärvi. Launching place on the shore of old Saha's Jyrhämä lake.Read more ->

Tget the route here

- Fishing

There are a lot of fishing spots on the course and there are plenty of opportunities to catch. Käsmäjoki in particular is popular with fishermen. In Jyrhämä's outdoor recreation area, a barrier-free fishing spot has been built, which is also suitable as a camping destination for people with reduced mobility and those with wheelchairs.

Sells fishing permitsThe course's shareholders

- Hunting

There are many opportunities for hunting. Our own village's hunting clubKursun Erä rythrough or also for harvesting on state lands through Metsähallitus and through the Salla joint forest.

- Ski centers Sallatunturi, Suomutunturi and Pyhä

The ski centers are located relatively close to Kursu, and in winter you can go to Suomu and Sallatunturi by sled along the Pahkakumpu-Lapajärvi sled route. Sallatunturi 37 km, Suomu 30 km, Pyhä 85 km and Ruka 100 km.

- Snowmobiling

Snowmobile route Salla-Vallovaara- Pahkakumpu-Kursu- Lapajärvi- Salla. The route becomes a branch route to the Kursu sawmill next to the Tuurakoski fire place. The trail provides easy access to the entire trail network of Eastern Lapland. In addition, the route to the Joutsijärvi village store runs through the village.

More information:Salla's sledding routes

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